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Tag: Bachelor in Paradise Canada finale

Bachelor in Paradise Canada brings sparkling end to season

The final players of “Bachelor in Paradise Canada” Season 2: Chelsea, Austin, Lisa, Connor, Joey, Tessa, Matia, Celine, Garrett, Meagan, Juan Pablo and Ana. PHOTO CREDIT: All photos Citytv

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t seen the “Bachelor in Paradise Canada” Season 2 finale there are spoilers ahead.

If Sunday’s “Bachelor in Paradise Canada” is the last episode we ever get at least it went out with a bang and by bang I mean an engagement.

Season 2 improved on the performance of the 2021 edition, which produced just one couple (who are no longer together). On Sunday, there were three: Austin Tinsley and Chelsea Vaughn (duh), Joey Kirchner and Tessa Tookes, and Garrett Aida and Meagan Morris.

And who got the brass ring, er, the engagement ring? Why, the Alberta cowboy and the Brooklyn singer. Despite having been an item for only a couple of weeks of Paradise time (six episodes for those of us at home), Joey and Tessa became affianced.

And not just that, they made “Bachelor” franchise history, according to Citytv, when Tessa became the first woman on any show to propose. More on that later.

First let’s rewind to the beginning of the episode.

They mysterious lady in red who interrupted Matia’s goodbye last week was — double duh — Celine. (And in the interest of pinpoint accuracy, she was wearing red shorts and a bikini top, not a dress or romper, as I said last week.)

Following Matia’s realization that a pair of comely breasts (hello Krissy) did not trump an emotional connection, Celine came back to get her man and, in a roller-coaster of an episode, this was one of the high points as Matia and Celine hugged, kissed and cried. (Not gonna lie, I cried too.) I’m a little fuzzy on the timing since we last saw Celine on FaceTime from the Edmonton airport on her way to Calgary, but apparently she made it home for one night and then flew back the next morning.

And anyway, who cares? As Austin said, “I’ve never seen a more beautiful moment here in Paradise than that moment right here.”

Hold that heartwarming thought.

Clearly, Paradise was coming to an end and the new cast spigot had been turned off, so Sam, having been dumped by Cole, and newbie Marilyn, who had one inconsequential date with Connor, wisely decided to leave.

They weren’t quite Humphrey Bogart and Claude Rains in the airport scene in “Casablanca,” but Sam said she and Marilyn had “kickstarted a beautiful friendship” and they left the beach with their arms around each other.

They left behind six couples, including Connor and Lisa, and Juan Pablo and Ana.

Noah Erb and Abigail Heringer came to Ontario to show everyone there is love after Paradise.

Cue an American Paradise couple come to give everyone a pep talk: Noah Erb and Abigail Heringer. If you’re a franchise watcher you’ll recall that they met in Season 7 of “Bachelor in Paradise,” broke up before the season ended then got back together again after.

“You guys are in positions where you don’t have to make it that hard,” Noah told the Canadian-American couples. “You guys still have the opportunity to, if you really are feeling that with somebody, go all the way, make sure they know it, or if you’re really not, make sure they know it.”

Alas, Lisa decided to take the latter part of that advice.

As the couples walked a red carpet as part of a casino night group date, Lisa said in her in-the-moment that she needed to get some things off her chest. “I so badly just want to have a happy ending with Connor. There’s just stuff I need to say about how I feel. I just can’t stay silent.”

As if that wasn’t foreshadowing enough, at a game that involved the contestants placing bets on each other, Lisa was singled out as the person most likely to get cold feet.

The question, I suppose, was how warm had Lisa’s feet been to begin with?

Not very was the impression left during a chat between Connor and his friend Noah. After Noah concluded that Lisa hadn’t fully invested in Connor, Connor started having “a slight panic attack” in his ITM, getting lightheaded and having trouble breathing.

Unfortunately, this was not a production fakeout; Connor was about to get his heart broken.

Connor Brennan and Lisa Mancini at casino night before things fell completely apart.

Connor and Lisa went to have a chat. When Connor asked Lisa if she wanted to see him outside of Paradise, she sighed and said, “Ah, Connor,” adding, “I don’t think this is good for either of us.”

Connor interpreted her response as her turtling to protect herself emotionally. Lisa said in her ITM that Connor checked a lot of boxes, but “something’s missing there.”

Whatever the case, they went their separate ways. “I’m leaving sad again,” said Connor, who previously struck out on both “The Bachelorette” and “Bachelor in Paradise” U.S. And honestly, that makes me a little sad.

Somebody else appeared to be struggling during the casino night. That would be Joey, especially after the other contestants voted him and Tessa most likely to leave engaged.

One never knows how much of what’s said in ITMs is what players really feel and how much is torqued to serve a plot line, but Joey seemed genuinely uneasy as the end of Paradise drew near. Although he is an actor so . . .

Joey said it was terrifying, despite the fact that he loved Tessa, since his relationship with Vay in the first season had come to such a bitter end and “there’s shit left over from that.”

Tessa reassured Joey that she was all in, but his uneasiness carried over into the fantasy suite.

Because yes, it was fantasy suite time. And, as host Sharleen Joynt made clear, that was no place for couples who weren’t falling in love or already there. So that ruled out Ana Cruz and Juan Pablo Osorio, and Matia and Celine.

Matia Marcantuoni and Celine Paquette left Paradise together, but who knows what happened then?

Despite their heartfelt reunion, Celine noted, “We’re not in love with each other yet. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend.”

So they left Paradise arm in arm hoping for the best. I have no idea if they got it. Too bad we didn’t get a reunion show to figure this stuff out.

As for Ana and Juan, Ana wanted to go to the fantasy suite, but it was clearly game over as soon as Juan told her, “You genuinely are an amazing person” — without even making eye contact. “To go into the fantasy suite and explore this with you, I’m not ready,” he added.

They left, definitely not together.

Austin and Chelsea seemed the most solid as they ventured into the fantasy suite. Chelsea sent Austin on a scavenger hunt of Paradise places where they had key moments, including her Episode 1 “nip slip,” their first kiss, the first place she said she was falling for him, etc., culminating in the prize of her and a bottle of champagne, and a toast to “leaving here together.”

Garrett and Meagan also made it to the fantasy suite, with Garrett telling Meagan, “We’re genuinely, like, on the road to falling in love.” I’m not sure if, like the road to hell, that one is paved with good intentions, but it worked well enough for Meagan.

And then there were Joey and Tessa. Joey was still expressing doubts, specifically in his own emotions, but they went to the fantasy suite nonetheless. “We at least owe it to ourselves to see what it would be like to be with each other and then from there we can decide what we’re gonna do,” he said.

The theme of Joey being afraid he was going to break Tessa’s heart continued into the ITMs, even as they sat on the bed together. The next morning, Tessa told Joey that when they discussed what they’d do outside of Paradise, “I didn’t expect one of those options to be leaving here without me.”

But Joey said Tessa had “talked me off the ledge.”

Whether there really was a ledge, or just an effort to build some suspense going into proposal day, only they and the producers know for sure. But it’s not a stretch to think you’d be scared out of your gourd at the thought of potentially proposing to someone you’d known for two weeks.

As for Austin and Chelsea, he said waking up next to her was “bliss” and “I can’t wait for whatever tomorrow brings and the rest of the years.”

Garrett said he and Meagan had “cracked the code.”

Garrett Aida and Meagan Morris exchange final roses and “I love you’s” on the beach.

They were first up on the final rose deck. And apparently that road to love of which Garrett spoke was more like an autobahn, because he told Meagan, “I love you” and she said it back, both of them shedding happy tears, and they exchanged final roses and walked off hand in hand.


Chelsea told Austin that “falling for someone this quickly in an environment like this is something that scares the shit out of me, but I’m gonna try to take  a page out of your book and lean into that instead of running away from it, and I can confidently say that I love you Austin.”

Austin Tinsley and Chelsea Vaughn left Paradise with full hearts.

“I love you too,” Austin said. And that was a feeling “I’m gonna run towards every day of my life.”

No, there was no ring, but it was a sweet conclusion for Paradise’s longest standing couple.

Finally, we came to Joey and Tessa. The former had put his cowboy hat and boots back on for the big occasion, which was fitting since Tessa called him her “disco cowboy.”

There were feels right from the get-go as a clearly emotional Joey told Tessa, “You’ve only known me for a very short period of time and you already made me a better person, and I can’t thank you enough for that. And I love you.”

After saying the L-word back, Tessa told Joey that “through the ups, the downs last night, us just trying to figure it out, I’ve just got nothing but confidence that you and I can take on the world.”

And then she posed a question: “Joey Blake Kirchner, will you be my Joey for the rest of my life?” A choked up Joey said “Yeah” and she slipped a woven orange and yellow and brown ring on his finger.

No, what? I’m not crying.

Joey Kirchner pops a version of the question to Tessa Tookes on the Paradise Canada finale.

“As hard as you can try you’ll never be able to one up me,” said Joey, pulling a ring box out of his back pocket and getting on one knee. “Tessa Tookes, you want to go to the disco with me?”

“Let’s go baby, ” Tessa replied.

It was lovely and totally on brand. You wouldn’t expect Joey to say anything as conventional as “Will you marry me?” would you?

How can you not be grinning ear to ear after a finisher like that?

The episode ended with the three happy couples hanging out and cheers-ing to “finding love in Paradise.”

So even though we didn’t get a reunion, I do have a little intel on what happened after the fact. The good news is that Joey and Tessa, and Austin and Chelsea are still together, the former in Toronto, the latter in New York. If you hop over to you can read my interview with the four of them.

Garrett and Meagan did not last, unfortunately, and I have no further info about that.

All in all, it was a good season. Since Citytv has put the show on hiatus for at least 2024 there’s no telling if it will ever come back. If this is all we get at least we went out on a high.

Good luck to Joey and Tessa, and Austin and Chelsea.

At some point I hope to start recapping “The Bachelorette” if my crazy schedule allows, but it won’t be till late July at the earliest.

Everyone have a good summer in the meantime.

You can comment here, visit my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter @realityeo

It’s a bust for all but one couple on Bachelor in Paradise Canada

“Bachelor in Paradise Canada” came to an end Sunday, but it will be back for another season.
PHOTO CREDIT: All photos courtesy of Citytv

I guess Brendan Morgan was on to something.

I was skeptical about his contention that going on a date with someone else, i.e. Maria, wouldn’t minimize the relationship he already had, i.e. with Angela.

But when the closed sign went up at Camp Paradise in Sunday’s episode, Brendan M and Angela Amezcua were the only couple left standing.

Kamil Nicalek and Caitlin Clemmens imploded — or maybe that should be imploded even more — after a night in the fantasy suite.

And Brendan Scanzano, the most faithful man in Paradise, who had eyes only for Illeana Pennetto since Day 1, walked away single. He and Illeana didn’t even make it to the fantasy suite. Go figure.

Angela Amezcua and Brendan Morgan puts roses but not a ring on it.

And what about an engagement, the supposed raison d’être of any Paradise season? It was a goose egg on that count. Brendan M and Angela exchanged final roses, but he didn’t put a ring on it, as had been teased.

(Brendan and Angela explain why they didn’t get engaged, among other things, in a story I wrote for the Toronto Star, which you can find here.)

Nonetheless, the couple have moved to Toronto together and had just signed a lease on a place when “After the Final Rose” taped in the fall. So congrats to them and may they follow in the footsteps of Angela’s friend Astrid Loch and her Canadian fiancé and baby daddy Kevin Wendt. And does this mean Toronto is now a “Bachelor” hot spot?

But let’s backtrack to the last day in Paradise.

If I had to pick one couple besides Brendan and Angela to end up in a fantasy suite, it would not have been Kamil and Caitlin.

The finale picked up where we left off last week, with Kamil freaking out because, um, Caitlin was asking him questions?

Yeah, according to Kamil, Caitlin was not asking questions in a “normal” way and was “not the same Caitlin you were three hours ago” — by which I guess he meant one who was seen but not heard.

“Now I feel like  a terrible person for asking all of that,” Caitlin told a producer and ugh. All of that being, you know, annoying details like how she and Kamil would keep in touch when he was back in New York and she was in Toronto.

“I don’t need to reassure you every single day, I don’t need to hold your hand,” Kamil groused.

“I just need a man who can fucking use his brain and answer the questions,” Caitlin replied.

Yes, right answer! Alas, when Kamil suggested they continue the discussion in private, Caitlin went to the fantasy suite with him.

Caitlin Clemmens and Kamil Nicalek say their goodbyes in Paradise.

But after what she described as “an absolute nightmare of an evening,” Caitlin and Kamil approached the final rose palapa where, despite Kamil expressing “strong” feelings for Caitlin and Caitlin saying she’d leave her heart with Kamil, they broke up.

Still, as he left, Kamil said he wanted to get back what he and Caitlin had in Paradise. More later on how that turned out.

And then there were Brendan S and Illeana.

Brendan said he was eager to do “awesome things” with Illeana, but she said she didn’t know enough about him and what he wanted to move forward — yes, despite all those days they spent with only each other on the beach.

“I feel like there’s a lot you don’t tell me,” she said. “You keep it very surface level.”

And also: “I very much did fall in love with you. Maybe I fell in love with you the way a teenager falls in love at a summer camp.” Ouch.

Saying that going to the fantasy suite would only hurt Brendan S more, the “adult” Illeana packed up and left. “I’m just not ready,” she said as she and Brendan exchanged a tearful hug.

Well, that was a downer.

Thank goodness for Brendan M and Angela. They woke up in the fantasy suite smiling. The sun was shining. Their date was “amazing.” He let Angela put moisturizer on his face, even though it burned. If that doesn’t scream “this couple is taking it to the real world,” what does?

Angela Amezcua and Brendan Morgan seal their partnership with a smooch.

Energetic, upbeat music played as we watched Angela and Brendan walk to the final rose palapa. And yes, OK, it wasn’t an engagement, but it was still sweet.

“I feel like I’ve always known you,” Angela told him. “Falling in love with you has just been effortless, so easy.”

Brendan said Angela was beautiful and smart and kind and funny — “sometimes,” which made her laugh.

“Rain or shine, so long as I’m with you I’m in Paradise,” he said.


And with that, Camp Paradise was closed. So how’d everything go out in the real world?

“After the Final Rose” campers with bartender Kevin Wendt and host Jesse Jones.

Sixteen of the 27 cast members showed up to share with host Jesse Jones. And I confess I was charmed by how Jesse had a personal greeting for every single one of them.

So what did we learn?

Well, let’s skip the small talk with Chris Kotelmach and David Pinard and Lisa Mancini, as much as I love Lisa, and get to the juicy bit: Joey Kirchner and Vay Paquette.

You’ll recall we last saw Joey and Vay leaving Paradise together apparently on their way to a happily ever after as well as to Joey’s friend’s wedding in Alberta. Well, Vay never made it to either of those.

Vay Paquette and Joey Kirchner vying for unhappiest couple out of Paradise.

It was all very he said, she said. Vay didn’t go to the wedding because she got in her head and things were moving too fast, she said. But Joey moved to Toronto, apparently as Vay’s boyfriend, and said he caught her in a bar sitting on a guy’s lap with said guy’s hand on her ass. Vay insisted the dude was just a friend. He called bullshit.

Joey also said Vay told him she was breaking up with him because he couldn’t afford to provide her with the type of lifestyle to which she had become accustomed.

Oh, and she and her friends supposedly talked shit about him in the lobby of the hotel where he works, overhead by a friend of his who was serving them, Joey said. She was allegedly planning to cover her ass by saying either that Joey had a girlfriend during filming, that he was an actor or that he was gay.

Joey pulled papers out of his jacket that he said were screenshots of text messages she sent him with that last accusation, although he didn’t read them aloud.

At that point, Vay stormed off the stage.

The very uncomfortable exchange ended, at Jesse’s urging, with them hugging and kind of making up.

“You just deserve better,” Vay whispered to him.

“I wish it could have been me for you,” he whispered back.

It’s not for me to say who’s telling the truth, although if Joey was lying they were really detailed lies. But I can’t help but marvel at him getting blown off by the woman who put him through hell just because he talked to and about a friend of his who happened to be female. Pretty sure I never saw Maria on his lap with Joey’s hand on her ass.

Next in the unhappy couple parade were Kamil and Caitlin.

I don’t want to belabour this because I don’t think Kamil is worth the typing. But Caitlin said she went to New York to try to make things work and Kamil broke up with her by text message, which Caitlin called “really cowardly.”

So it wasn’t exactly breaking up with someone on TV a la Annaliese, but it was close enough.

Note to whoever is casting “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 2: Please don’t invite Kamil back.

Illeana Pennetto and Brendan Scanzano still had smiles for each other.

Things were a little more optimistic for Brendan S and Illeana. No, they aren’t together, but they said they still have love for each other. “It just wasn’t our time, but hey, it could be in the future,” she said.

Angela and Brendan M also got to sit in the hot seat, where the big reveal was the fact they had just signed a lease, although Brendan joked that Angela was pregnant, which was the source of all those shocked faces you saw in the promo, but no, no, she’s not.

Angela and Brendan M are making it work in the real world, complete with pregnancy jokes.

I am putting great faith in the fact that Brendan wore a flower on his lapel that matched the colour of Angela’s dress.

Finally, it was time for perhaps the biggest reveal of the whole evening. You know how I said that Canadian Paradise didn’t have a boom boom room? Well, it turns out they had a boom boom sauna. Josh described the sauna as “an erotic dungeon.” What did couples get up to in there? Use your imagination, I guess.

But now all the new cast members have some useful information for Season 2. Bartender Kevin Wendt announced that casting is now open at and yes, there will be fan contestants again and yes, Kevin will be mixing the drinks.

Before I stop writing, I wanted to give my thoughts on what I thought worked and didn’t work in this inaugural “Bachelor in Paradise Canada” season.

The Cast: It might have seemed like Canada was at a disadvantage not having lots of “Bachelor” alumni to choose from but, in fact, my favourite campers were either people we didn’t get to know well on Canadian “Bachelor” shows (hello, Lisa and Stacy) or people we’d never seen on our TVs before, like Joey, Josh and Jeremy. Which is not to say some of the American cast members weren’t enjoyable, including Alex and Angela.

Editing: Speaking of Alex Bordyukov, how come we saw next to nothing of his relationship with Kit Blaiklock? I would have happily traded some footage of Kamil and Caitlin, say, for glimpses of Alex and Kit. And why bring on a high profile cast member like “Bachelor Canada” winner Bianka Kamber and do nothing with her? I get that she didn’t hook up with anybody, but we could have at least seen her go on a date.

Hosting: Let me just say that Jesse seems like a nice guy, but if he’s coming back for Season 2, I hope he loosens up, let’s his personality shine through and delivers his speeches less like he’s reading off cue cards and more like he’s actually talking to people.

Setting: I think Ontario has advantages over Mexico with its heat and crabs, and the setting was certainly picturesque, especially at night, but there was nothing fantastical about the fantasy suite cabins and some of the dates were really uneventful. Next time, skip the archery and the slip and slide. Maybe just stick to the water sports. Or set up a table and twinkle lights in the theatre and let the campers pretend to eat dinner like on the American show.

I’ll be back to recap “The Bachelorette” Tuesday at 8 p.m. on Citytv. If you want to talk Bachelor with me you can comment here, visit my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter @realityeo

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